Shipping Policy
Do you ship worldwide & how much does shipping cost?
Yes - we ship worldwide. We are proud to offer international shipping services that currently operates in over 200 countries and islands world wide. Nothing means more to us than bringing our customers great value and service. We will continue to grow to meet the needs of all our customers, delivering a service beyond all expectation anywhere in the world.
We start working on your order immediately, so we are unable to make any changes to an order after it has been placed (including address changes). We will only ship to the address provided at check-out.
You will only be charged for the items that are shipped, along with applicable shipping and tax rates.
When your items are shipped out, you should receive notification from us via email providing you with a tracking number.
If you haven’t received one or if the tracking number doesn’t work, its okay. Contact us and we’ll fix it!
We only ship during business days and do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
We take an average of 1-2 business days to complete your order and some custom items may take 7-14 days longer, especially on major holidays ( up to 15 days) or if your order includes popular items with availability issues. Orders are shipped immediately upon confirmation of availability.
For orders with multiple items, products may be shipped separately and received on different dates due to the difference in manufacturing partners’ locations.
Once your order is shipped, depending on your country or region, estimated delivery time is between 7 to 14 business days. Specific delivery dates are not provided nor guaranteed.
We offer the following delivery estimates, by country, for your reference:
United States: 5 - 14 + Working days
Canada: 7 - 14 + Working days
United Kingdom: 5 - 14+ Working days
Australia: 7 - 14 + Working days
Europe: 5 - 15 + Working days (varies widely by importing country)
Worldwide: 10 - 15 + Working days
If you need more detailed information, please send us an email at and we’ll help you out!